Publisher Note

August, 2021 by Dilip V. Shah


On this occasion of the first anniversary of JAIN AVENUE magazine, I bring you greetings from JAINA. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the trustees of the JAINA India Foundation – Dr. Bipin Doshi, Amol Shah, and Dhimen Vora who have shepherded a nascent idea  and made it a reality – a worldwide, nonsectarian platform in English to discuss modern issues for the practicing Jains the world over. It is a miracle that during the dark days of Corona Pandemic we persisted and created JAIN AVENUE – Voice of the Practitioners of Jain Dharma.

Dr. Sejal Shah as the editor and the associate editor Dr. Arihant Kumar Jain have far exceeded my expectations for the first year. They have given me confidence that we are on to a good thing. Miss Rajvi Shah as the office manager and Amol Shah as compliance and financial manager have provided stability needed for the steady growth whereas Deepak Jain has provided web assistance to distribute our contents globally.

We are looking to expand and diversify our team. We are especially inviting young minds to join our team to make the magazine more appealing to their generation. We need more editorial assistants too.

Now as we look forward, I would like to see our magazine reach many more nationally and internationally. You, as readers can help in this endeavor by referring the magazine to at least five of your friends you think would be interested in reading and forward their email to

JAIN AVENUE Magazine is produced by JAINA India Foundation which is an entity of JAINA- USA

A not for profit religious organization dedicated to promoting Jain Dharma universally on non- sectarian basis. We encourage you to make this magazine yours.  we encourage you.


Dilip V. Shah
Past President of JAINA
And Publisher of JAINA AVENUE Magazine.

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4 months ago

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!