A New Paradigm in Understanding “WATER”

January, 2022 by Vishal Mehta- Team Applied Jainism

Applied Jainism – is a social platform to collaborate & discuss contemporary issues on sustainable co-existence (Parasparopagraho Jīvānām / परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम् where the principle of Jain philosophy & spirituality can guide us and become the torch bearer in the modern age. www.appliedjainism.in

Introduction :

This article is a transcription of  the 15th Show of Applied Jainism lecture Series conducted on 2nd Jan-2022.

This is going to present a simplified synopsis of the scientific research & experiments carried out by contemporary western thinkers & scientist on subtle qualities of water, which collectively leads to establish that like plants, water indeed has attributes of a living entity (apkay jeev) as mentioned in Jain doctrine since ages. Water is significant influencer to human health as water constitutes more than 70% of our body composition. This new paradigm answers to our inquisitiveness about our traditional practices of consuming only “achet pani” (e.g., boiled water for drinking, etc.) in our daily life and following “Jayna” (observing extremely subtle carefulness & restrain) while consuming water. This goes much beyond our traditional understanding of following Ahimsa Dharm with “Water”.

The Paradigm Shift:

If water is a living entity, then it must exhibit some attributes of a living being. Like human body structure is made from bones, blood, muscles, various organs, DNA as its genetic material, etc.; water should have its unique physical, chemical & biological structure. It must explain its life-cycle events i.e., birth & death events. The way we humans acquire energy through food metabolism & plants acquire energy from sun-light & carbon dioxide through a process of photosynthesis, water should explain the mechanism by which it gathers energy for its sustenance.  It should also demonstrate how it interacts with its surrounding environment, with other living & non-living entities, etc. In last century, scientist have been able to recognize and identified these subtle attributes associated with Water. And when dots are joined in the context, then it leads us to establish then water does possess the capability of the conscious life-form.

Water Structure:

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist, studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and ‘intentions.

Through his experiments, he demonstrated that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature.

In his book “The Hidden Messages in Water”, Dr. Emoto demonstrates how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human ‘intention’ results in aesthetically pleasing “physical molecular formations” in the frozen water (ice-crystals) while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions, words or sound results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. His research also showed us how polluted and toxic water, when exposed to prayer and intention can be altered and restored to beautifully formed geometric crystals found in clean, healthy water.  A few photographs of the frozen water-crystals exposed to different word & intentions are shown below.

In another experiment, Dr. Emoto, heated water in a microwave oven and then attempted to see the impact of the damaging electro-magnetic field on its crystal formation. First, he showed the water the words “love” & “gratitude”. The ice-crystals formed from the raw water were deformed and incomplete, but the water that was shown the words love and gratitude formed complete crystals. In other words, love and gratitude were able to make the water “immune” to the damaging effects of the magnetic field. He concluded that when you have become the embodiment of gratitude, think about how pure the water that fills your body will be. When this happens, you yourself will be a beautiful, shining crystal of light.

Water—so sensitive to the unique frequencies being emitted by the world—essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world. This leads to a completely new paradigm and a new dimension of the water which is similar to the “living-consciousness”.

Liquid Crystalline Structure 

The reason behind this type of formation of repeated geometric pattern in water, is water’s inter-molecular structure (not intra-molecular which is well known H2O), is knowns as a “liquid crystalline structure” – which plays an important role.

Chemical Composition of A Standard Water Molecule

Liquid Crystalline Water                               Water                                           Steam

Liquid crystalline structure is the key to information storage and to information transfer in water. Water molecule forms a repeating, geometric, molecular pattern—a liquid crystal similar to the liquid crystals used in today’s video display terminals (LCDs). Like solid crystals, they are extremely efficient at transferring signals. The repeating pattern inside provides a pathway for the efficient flow of energy and information. Water’s repeating geometry is the same geometry available in quartz crystal which generates mechanical vibration when subjected to calibrated electrical pulses and vice versa.

A crystal is any mineral in which atoms have stacked themselves in an orderly manner. Crystal has an organized molecular pattern that provides channel for the flow of energy and information. Crystal structure enables water to amplify, transduce & process energy.

“Molecular Organization” is the only difference between Coal and Diamond

Difference between Quartz Mineral (silicon dioxide) & Quartz Crystal is molecular organization.

Hydrogen Bond :

The glue which holds the two molecules of water (H2O) together is nothing but an inter-molecular force known as “Hydrogen-bond” between two of them. A hydrogen bond is a primarily electrostatic force involving a hydrogen atom located between a pair of other atoms having a high affinity for electrons; such a bond is weaker than an ionic bond or covalent bond but stronger than Van der Waals forces.

When we boil water, the heat-energy breaks apart the hydrogen-bond, which has been holding water molecules together and in a perfect array & orderly pattern. And thus, the liquid crystalline structure gets dismantled. Physical changes like boiling only breaks the inter-molecular forces (not the intra-molecular force). When water boils, its only the hydrogen-bond between molecules that breaks; not the covalent bond inside of each water molecule.

Today’s MRI machine is based on this same theory of water-structure. MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to measures how much water is in different tissues of the body, quality of that water, maps the location of the water and then uses this information to generate a detailed image. The images are so detailed because our bodies are made up of around 70% water, so we have lots of signal to measure and analyze.

When MRI is used to detect cancer, essentially it is looking at the molecular organization of water. Cancer cells have less organized water in them than do healthy cells. According to author Mae-Wan Ho of a book “Living Rainbow H20”, Life itself can be defined in terms of its ability to maintain the liquid crystalline state.


In the early part of the 20th century, Viktor Schauberger, a pioneering Austrian forester and brilliant inventor, paved the way for much of our modern understanding of the vital energies of water and the energy generation through the spiral movement of water.

According to him, vortices accompany every creative process and they provide much of the energy that initiates and sustains life. He observed that Water loves to move with absolute

Water naturally tries take curved path and follow longer route in its journey (never follow straight line path). River dashes over rocks and sediment on its way downhill. When it encounters an obstacle and the forward motion is stopped, water curls inward, forming a spiral. At each bend in the river, the spiral reverses direction. In this way, water gathers and dispenses energy throughout her journey.

Ocean waves curl inward and form a spiral or a spin. The inward curling motion results in Implosion which is exactly opposite of explosion.  In Implosion, the in-winding energy moves from the outside and winds inward, gathering, cooling, and organizing rather than breaking down and dispersing.  This type of centripetal motion is a form of motion used by Nature during the creative process. Outwardly expanding centrifugal motion is explosive and de-constructive. Nature uses it for decomposition.

The spin of a vortex produces so powerful forces in combination with electromagnetic field of earth for its molecular reorganization. Vortices cause molecules to become so organized that they are tightly compressed. Spinning keeps energy focused inward. According to Schauberger, the molecular organization of water gets influenced through this swirling movement. Vortices help to create a greater degree of molecular structure in water, causing molecules to organize into their most energy efficient geometry—that of a liquid crystal. This is the way Nature gathers energy and brings life to water.

Water delivered via pressurized pipelines (straight path) around the world is stripped-off its life-force. When it arrives at its destination, it is empty, tired, and lifeless.

Complete Water-Cycle:

Viktor Schauberger identified a portion of the water cycle rarely discussed in academics today. He said that the water cycle is complete only when water emerges (without intervention) from beneath the surface of the Earth. He determined that unless water is allowed to complete the underground part of the water cycle (which includes rising again to the surface on its own), the water is not mature or ripe and that it is incapable of sustaining the highest quality of life. This part of water’s process can take hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years. The longer the journey, the more life force water brings with it to the surface. Nature is never in a hurry.

Spring water, when emerges beneath the surface of earth,  is a coherent, liquid crystal that has been purified, structured, enhanced with minerals and gases, and energized during its journey inside the Earth.

Elliptical Shape :

Viktor Schauberger selected egg-shaped containers as vessels to store and energize water. The shape of the egg creates its own energetic vortex. It keeps energy moving.

Water, or any substance inside the egg shape, retains its life force and it resists becoming stale or stagnant. This is why many ancient civilizations chose egg-shaped urns to store their grain and seeds.

Water-Memory :

In 2011, Luc Montagnier, a French virologist – and awarded the Nobel prize in the year 2008 for his co-discovery of the HIV virus, carried out an experiment to prove the concept of this “water-memory” through “DNA Teleportation”. One of the most astonishing discoveries in a century, yet it was almost entirely ignored.

He proved a hypothesis that, Water has the ability to retain the information of the substance which it has been exposed to, by holding the vibratory signature of that substance; even long after it has been physically & chemically purified.

Teleportation is the (hypothetical) transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject in science fiction literature. Montagnier used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to synthesise DNA sequences of more than 100 base pairs, without any of the target strands present to

Water, or any substance inside the egg shape, retains its life force and it resists becoming stale or stagnant. This is why many ancient civilizations chose egg-shaped urns to store their grain and seeds.

Water-Memory :

In 2011, Luc Montagnier, a French virologist – and awarded the Nobel prize in the year 2008 for his co-discovery of the HIV virus, carried out an experiment to prove the concept of this “water-memory” through “DNA Teleportation”. One of the most astonishing discoveries in a century, yet it was almost entirely ignored.

He proved a hypothesis that, Water has the ability to retain the information of the substance which it has been exposed to, by holding the vibratory signature of that substance; even long after it has been physically & chemically purified.

Teleportation is the (hypothetical) transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject in science fiction literature. Montagnier used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to synthesise DNA sequences of more than 100 base pairs, without any of the target strands present to

In first part of the experiment, he captured the “electromagnetic signals” (EMS) emitted by the known pair of DNA from an “aqueous” solution. These EMS are recorded & stored in form of a digital computer file which was later used to irradiate the other sample of aqueous solution with precisely the same EMS. By irradiating those recorded EMS, he could successfully synthesise and reconstitute those same DNA pairs with 98% fidelity.

In first part of the experiment, he captured the “electromagnetic signals” (EMS) emitted by the known pair of DNA from an “aqueous” solution. These EMS are recorded & stored in form of a digital computer file which was later used to irradiate the other sample of aqueous solution with precisely the same EMS. By irradiating those recorded EMS, he could successfully synthesise and reconstitute those same DNA pairs with 98% fidelity.

That proved that water, when exposed to the same set of information, could reproduce precisely the same end result (the same DNA pairs in this case). It proved the hypothesis of Water-Memory.

Traditional Practices of Programming Water:

The entire Homeopathic science of dilution rests on the theory of water-memory; as after successive dilutions, no molecule of the original medicinal substance remains in the final dilution of medicine. Despite that, the final dilution works effectively as a medicine. That is because the memory of the original medicine infused in the water, is carried forward in subsequent dilution and that’s responsible for reconstitution of the same medicine infused at first stage.

In Indian tradition, there is practice of taking vow or oath with a glass of water in front or taking water in the palm while reciting the oath.  In Christianity, baptizing with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit makes sense only through the hypothesis of water-memory & consciousness. In both cases, water helps to program us the way its desired.

If water can retain memory of its past experience, if it can be made to erase those unknown bad records, then it is also possible to impregnate the desired beneficial frequencies in the water which we intend to consume. That is why the holy Navakar Mantra is expected to be recited in Jain tradition before drinking the water. With the intent to bless the water that we consume and by chanting Navakar Mantra, positive vibrations are induced in the water. And when it goes into our blood vessel inside, it transduces that same information there, purifying our body and mind.


All above research by the modern scientist, although not much recognised in the mainstream, indeed points to establish that water seems to have attributes of a living being. Like plants, it demonstrates sensitivity to emotions and surrounding environment. It has healthy structure at the time of its birth and dismantled structure at the time of its death. Like human anatomy, it has the capability to carry the information, transmit & store signals, etc. All these aspects require further in-depth research with a novel protocol for consciousness studies.

What Did Tirthankara Mahavira Say About Water ?

Followers of Jain tradition are supposed to follow extremely subtle form on non-violence (सूक्ष्म-अहिंसा) & subtle vigilance towards Water (Jaynā). If at all, one needs to consume water for his necessities, then consume only “Achet” Pani (devoid of someone else’s unknown influence / consciousness).

Here, it is important to understand the right context of Ahimsa. It is not as much about being empathetic to the water-bodied living being as it is to be empathetic to your own self. When you consume “Sachet Pani”, that means it has been carrying someone’s chitta (consciousness) with it. It carries the vibratory signature of the environment from where it has been brought and delivered in to your glass or bucket.  Water being so powerful to retain that memory of vibrations, also programs the water inside your body and mind.  This may directly conflict with your efforts (purusharth) e.g., a spiritual devotee may be trying to calm his mind and senses through mediation, penance, etc ; but the water which he has been drinking may have an influence of quarrel, hate , fear, etc. from the environment that it has come from. So even without your conscious knowledge and understanding, you are programmed with negative attributes and start carrying them inside your own body, mind and consciousness.

When you make water Achet  by boiling or by mixing the ash of cow dung, you remove any past influence from the water which it has been carrying with it. So, it’s for your own benefit that your endeavors and efforts don’t get affected and you maintain the steady focus without any hindrance. The complex and extremely subtle science of water is aptly mentioned in Jain doctrine which need to be understood in the right context.

About Author

Vishal Mehta


Vishal M. Mehta is an engineer by qualification, entrepreneur by profession and pursuing Diploma course in Jainlogy from Mumbai University. He is a co-founder of a research based social sector start-up and a think-tank organisation working on environmental sustainability through ‘techno-social intervention’ for mining ‘social currency’ (alternate / complementary currency) to address India’s obligation towards United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals-2030.

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