A Note from the Publisher

August, 2022 by Dilip V. Shah
I am pleased to witness another milestone achieved by the JAIN AVENUE Magazine – the second anniversary of the magazine launched by the JAINA India Foundation.   Our magazine is a result of labour of Love by an army of dedicated volunteers ably guided by our editor, Dr. Sejalben Shah, and the watchful eyes of our mentor Dr. Bipin Doshi. They are in turn supported by Dr. Arihant Kumar Jain, our assistant editor, and Rajvi Shah the office manager. These four individuals are the bedrock on which the success of Jain Avenue rests.

In creating first of its kind online – English only -Jain monthly magazine, our vision was to give voice to the practitioners – not preachers – of Jain dharma.  We are committed to remaining nonsectarian and to reaching out to the global Jain community of readers and the scholars. I am pleased to notice so many articles in the magazine contributed by scholars outside of India making our magazine truly unique.

In addition to thoughtful articles, we feature a Svetambara or a Digambar temple alternating each month on the cover. On the back page, we present a five-minute video by the best-known Jain motivational speaker, Rahul Kapoor. The back cover also carries an inspirational stanza from the Saman Suttam with short explanation by Dr. Arihant Kumar Jain from Ladnun.  The magazine collaborates with “Applied Jainism” forum – another JAINA India Foundation initiative. To share the daily life experiences of Jains, our editor generously permits a cartoon by Mahendra Shah of Pittsburgh, PA on her editorial page. All this in just nine pages!

All the past issues of our magazine are available for reading on the www.jainavenue.org website. We hope to make the entire website searchable soon. The magazine is sent to 20,000 readers in India, the US, and Canada. We would strive to grow our readership and you – the reader can help by forwarding the magazine to five of your friends who you believe will enjoy it. Together, we can create a potent voice for the Practitioners of Jain Dharma.

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