Nareli Jain Temple is a modern Jain temple which is located at a distance of nearly 7 kms away from Ajmer city, Rajasthan and is present on the Main National Highway 8, Kishangarh Bypass. It is based about 128 kms from the western portion of Jaipur and had been constructed by a man named Ashok Patni. Nareli Jain Temple is quite well-known for its elaborate patterns and carvings and the temple complex comprises several shrines and temples, and known as ‘Shri Gyanodaya Tirth Kshetra’. Some of these shrines are yet under construction. It is said that the erection of the temple had commenced between 1994 and 1995, on account of the divine blessings of the disciple of Acharya Vidya Sagar who was Muni Sudha Sagar. In 2002, gigantic idols manufactured from ‘ashta-dhatu’ or an alloy of eight metals, have been placed in the temple premises. The temple grounds of Nareli Jain Temple are based over the entire hilly region and innumerable devotees throng the temple, particularly the Jain communities, who belong to Digambara sects.

The temple grounds of Nareli Jain Temple consists of 24 temples, each dedicated to the 24 Jain Tirthankaras. Out of the images of all the Jain Tirthankaras, the images of the three Tirthankaras named as Arah Nath Ji, Kunthu Nath Ji and Shri Shanti Nath Ji have been established at the temple. Each of the Tirthankara idols weight about 24 tons, which makes it the heaviest metallic Jain idol in the entire world. The temple is slightly angular in shape and boasts of contemporary architectural pattern.

Chairman Shri Ashok Patni of RK Marbles built this sanctuary. Nareli Jain Temple, is another Jain sanctuary spotted on the edge of Ajmer 7 kilometers from the downtown area and 128 kilometers west of jaipur on the principle national Highway. Gavin Thomas, in his book, “The Rough Guide to Rajasthan, Delhi & Agra” (2010, p. 257), composes on Nareli Jain Temple: “There’s an alternate striking landmark to the Jain confidence about 7km southeast of Ajmer on the Jaipur sidestep, the rakish cutting edge Nareli Temple, a striking building blending customary and contemporary structural styles to a degree idiosyncratic impact, with 23 further little sanctuaries lined up on the slope above.”