The temple in the heart of Ahmadabad was constructed in the year 1850 AD, by Seth Hatheesingh and is dedicated to 15th Tirthankar Dharmanath. When Hatheesinghji passed away at 49, his wife, Shethani Harkuvarji completed the construction. The temple is known for its fabulous architectural styling and designing that consists of intricate carvings. The main temple houses 11 deities, six in basement and five in three bay sanctuary. The main shrine lies on the east and temple is covered with a big dome supported by twelve ornate pillars In addition, there are 52 shrines (Devakulikas), each adorned with an image of a Tirthankara. The Temple grounds has a recently built 78’unique Kirti Stambha. The Temple was built during a severe famine in Gujarat. Building of the Temple sup-ported hundreds of skilled artists for two years.