JAINA Convention 2023 Theme

June, 2023 by Anop Vora

“Maximize Human Potential – The Jain Way”

According to Jainism, human life is the only form of jiva to obtain liberation directly. As human beings, we are endowed with the ability to think; we can differentiate right from wrong. We can decide what is good for us and what is not. We also can control our minds and activities.

As humans, we are capable of helping ourselves and those around us. We are also capable of assisting the lower life forms. How then can we maximize our potential to improve, influence, and inspire others, to address the problem of modern times using the modern-day tools available to us?

At JAINA Convention 2023, the learned speakers will attempt to help us answer these questions. We will learn to use Jain principles and practices to maximize their potential, enhance their lives, and create a broader positive impact.

“I have traversed decades of active life and have had a variety of interactions with people from different ethnic, educational, and financial backgrounds. Based on my study, personal experience, and observation, I have concluded that Jainism has the most to offer to resolve the problems of all humans. This religion has the treasure of knowledge and wisdom that has the power to awaken, make us happy, serene, and peaceful, and unlock our potential to lift us much higher.

Unfortunately, most of us have neither  recognized this power; nor made the efforts in a correct way. I felt that perhaps by steering the dignitaries and speakers towards the above theme, the convention attendees would alter their perspective, recognize their vast potential, and mould their lives in a better way, going forward. I am very grateful to the Convention Board for accepting this theme.”

Anop Vora, Florham Park, NJ

Recipe of the Month
by Nishma Shah

Date and Quinoa pops

Inviting Articles on Ahimsa in Action

We would like to hear from our readers on how they have applied the principle of Ahimsa in areas other than food. Please send your articles by July 5th, 2023 to articles@jainavenue.org

Respected Scholars,

Paryushan is one of the most auspicious festivals in Jainism. Hence, we invite you to submit articles of 1200-1500 words on “Who Am I” (discussion about soul) that will be published in the Paryushan Edition in the month of September 2023. Jain Avenue Magazine is Multimedia International Digital Magazine.

Please email your articles to


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