January, 2022 by Dr. Dileep Dhing
Non-violence is the Supreme Human value, and also it is the Fundamental of all the Human values. Due to Non-violence, all the small values become precious. In the absence of the Non-violence other values become worthless. This is happening in the world today. Due to ignorance towards non-violence everything is losing its true meaning. Also, in case of Human rights concrete results are not being found. Drastic fall in humanity, humanism and human values is formidable and tragedy in Present time.

Non–violence is an eternal element. Non-violence is a base of the existence. It is a condition behind existence. Genuine Power is nonviolent in nature. In nature there is No Elemental legislature for violence. Tirthankar Mahavir rightly and exactly says that – Everyone loves Happiness. Nobody loves Grief. Everyone wants to live, no one wants to die. The behavior what we expect towards ourselves, we should not do that behavior towards others. This is Humanity and also the base of Humanity. Humanity lies in saving and not killing. Killing any human, animal, bird, or living being, or demolishing it, is clearly inhuman and brutal act. There is no progress of human values with violence and bloodshed. Values are increased with straight announcement of – Live and let others live.

Non–violence is required for co-existence. Efforts made by killing others existence and protecting self existence is useless and fatal. As said in Tatvarth Sutra (Acharya Umaswati) a famous line- PARASPAROPAGRHO JIVANAM means – everyone is each other’s Associate. Life move with Mutual favour. The progress of life and society is also based on this fundamental principle of non- violence. Non-violence creates the values like cooperation, collaboration, synergism, parity and coordination.

Nonviolence which spreads over from the Center to circumference gives happiness and ambrosia from the person to the world. The basic reason behind the demolition of human values, infringement of the human rights or any other problem: In one word, Violence is prime and base of every problem and reason of every problem. Nonviolence admits massive emotions of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (the whole earth is one family) in human. Human beings have faced and are still facing the dangerous problems of wars, violence, killing, terrorism, and pollution. And the fear of menace is always there. There is no good solution / shelter to Human, humanism and world stronger than non-violence. The time till the thoughts of violence are not vanished from the minds of people, till then no one can obtain permanent peace. For this reference I have four lines –

The first recognition of non-violence is self purification
Excellence model of non-violence is compassionate wisdom
Blossom the flowers of peace and equanimity
The prominent result of non-violence is prosperity

It is clear that violence shakes the palace of humanity from the footing. When a person kills another person, he is actually killing him own self, and killing his superiority. Bhagwan Mahavir has explained this in a very effective and heart-touching way – “the one whom you want to kill is your own self. The one whom you want to give Penitence is your own self. The one whom you want to oppress is your own self.” This feeling is the base of non-violence. One act of violence activates the endless vicious circle of violence. Non-violence provides safety to all. It is creative and prosperous. Humanity is born in the womb of non-violence. The entire Human values flourish, flower, evolve and stay alive in the air of non-violence. Indeed, non-violence is Oxygen of humanity. It protects the nature, environment and all living beings.

There is a marvelous progress in science of knowledge of Humans. But the respect for lives of own people and other people have really reduced. There is a tremendous revolution in thoughts, but ethical conducts are diminishing. There are lot of talks about Peace, non-violence, and human rights in the world, but due conduct of human is still lacking. With this reference the lines mentioned in the scripture ‘Sutrakritang Sutra’ in Prakrit language are truly inspirational.

“Evam Khu Nanino saaram, jam n hinsai kinchan.
Ahimsa samayam chev, etavant viyaniya”

The moral of being knowledgeable and educated is only being non-violent, not to kill any living being. Parity with non-violence is the summary of all the religions. Only this thing is to be kept in mind that the garden of humanity bloom with countless colorful flowers of virtues when it is added in the behavior, thoughts, food, sacraments and life conduct of non-violence. In opposite to this with the ignorance to the non-violence everything is spoiled. Non-violence is the core of human civilization and culture, which is not to be ignored.

Non-violence gives message of unity, love, and brotherhood. Human unity and love for humans are endangered when it comes in influence of violence. Everyone knows that Human-religion is Supreme. Clearly non-violence is to be valued. Mercy, Compassion, sympathy is prevalent names of non-violence. Bhagwan Mahavir gave sixty names for non-violence and said nonviolence is the safest shelter of all living beings. Famous Poet Tulsidas said Mercy is the base of all Religion. Enlighten Soul Lord Buddha stated compassion as nature of Non-violence. In Mahabharata Non-violence is said to be Supreme and complete Religion. Truly Non-violence is Human religion. Life filled with non-violence dignifies the human religion. This human religion also included tiny living beings. With this context I present few lines :

“Non-violence is religion of all Humans
All living beings are beneficiaries of it
Love, service, renounce etc.
Are benevolent consequences”

In short love, service, sacrifice, truth, forgiveness, fraternity etc. are the achievements of human qualities which lie in Non-violence. Non-violence creates an attitude of universal amity. One sees others problem as his own problems. The followers of non-violence are always ready for the service to help and solve problems of others. Sacrifice comes automatically where there is service. The sight of softness for others and hardness for self is core of non-violence. The true follower of non-violence never troubles other victim, in fact tries his best as per his ability to solve his problems. The followers of non-violence make everyone part of his happiness and progress and create Happiness. Therefore, all the religion of the world, religious leaders, great men, and theorists have said the non-violence universally beneficial. Non-violence is Supreme in human values.

About Author

Dr. Dileep Dhing

He has done his graduation in commerce and law and PG in Prakrit with gold medal. Done research work on ‘Economic Ideas in Jainism’ and got Ph.D. He has written thousands of poems, essays, research articles, memoirs, comments etc. He is not only a litterateur, but also a devoted social activist, thinker and orator. So far 70 books have been published; authored & edited by him. His talks and poems have been broadcasted by All India Radio, Udaipur, and Chennai. He has recited poems, delivered lectures and presented research papers at many national and international forum. He has also carried out several memorable works and got super success for propagation of vegetarianism.

He has founded literary awards in memory of his parents Shravika-Ratna Umraodevi and Shri Kanhaiyalal Dhing. He is a recipient of many prestigious awards including Ācārya Hasti Smriti Samman, Ācārya Hasti Ahimsa Award, Anuvrat Lekhak Puraskar, Kundkund Gyanpeeth Puraskar, Ācārya Hasti Karuna Speaker Award, JITO Seva Award, Ācārya Nānesh Samman, Sahitya-Manishi, Seva-Ratna etc. At present, he has been serving as director of International Centre for Prakrit Studies and Research (a unit of Research Foundation for Jainology, Chennai) since April 2013.

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