Recipe Title : Ice Cream
Delicious Sugar free ice cream with healthy alternatives
Dr. Varsha Shah
Recipe Title : Ice Cream
Delicious Sugar free ice cream with healthy alternatives
Dr. Varsha Shah
Storage/ Shelf life:
In the freezer for up to a month.
Use coconut milk judiciously and occasionally as it lacks fibre and is high in fat.
Dr. Varsha Shah Practices Pediatrics with special interest Adolescent Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. Consultant at SBKS MEDICAL COLLEGE.
MEDICAL CONSULTANT at SHARAN – an organisation which helps people in disease reversal.
Consultant at PRAKRUTI HEAL for disease reversal and holistic healing .
Working on lifestyle medicine and member of ISLM (Indian society of lifestyle Medicine).
Pursuing PGDLM from CMC Vellore.
Passionate about children and adolescent well-being which are the the future foundation of our country.