Shantinath Jain Temple was built in the 11th century. The temple is beautiful with fine carvings and magnificent sculptures. It is decorated with two white elephants at the entrance of the main temple.

Very ancient temple ,around Thousand years old lord shanti nath statue standing there calmly. you can feel so much peace in your heart worshiping there. Very beautiful monument, thousands year old art is designed on the tomb of the temple. It is the heart of the ‘city of bell’ Jhalrapatan.

It is decorated with exquisite murals and fine sculptures. The entrance gate has two huge and attractive stone elephants. The main idol is of Lord Shantinath Ji in standing posture. It is 12 feet in height. The numerous other ancient idols and the inscriptions on those idols is a proof of the antiquity of the temple.

The entrance to this Jain temple complex is modest, modern construction and does not hint at the magnificent 11th century sandstone temple inside. My first view and I’m awestruck with the similarity between this temple and the Padmanabha Temple in construction material, architecture and sculptures. They could have been built by the same group of people. In fact, if not for the presence of sculptures of Jain tirthankars on the external  temple wall, this could easily have passed off as a Hindu temple.

The interiors of the temple are brightly painted as are the walls and ceilings of the covered passageways running all around the temple. Scenes from the Ramayana, lives of the tirthankars as well as scenes from daily life are depicted. The paintings don’t appear to be very old — maybe early 20th century or so — and going by the freshness of the colours, they could have been ‘restored’/repainted quite recently.

The highlight of this temple visit is getting a darshan of the idol of Shantinath in the sanctum. A rich bronze colour, the idol looks like it is made of metal, but the priest informs me that it is actually made of stone with a special sheen that makes it look metallic. I have never seen anything quite like it and I doubt I ever will.