Author: Pritesh Ravindra Mutha

About Author

Dr. Pritesh Mutha is an accomplished physician and educator specializing in interventional gastroenterology. As the Director of the Third Space Endoscopy program for the Center for Interventional Gastroenterology (iGUT) at UTHealth Houston, he offers advanced endoscopic treatment for gastrointestinal disorders. He is also an associate professor at UTHealth Houston, dedicated to educating future doctors. Dr. Mutha's active involvement in medical research has resulted in several publications in top medical journals. His passion for lifestyle medicine has helped many patients become medicine and disease-free. He co-founded the non-profit organization "Stress Academy" to help people achieve a stress-free and healthy life. Dr. Mutha is also a Jain philosophy practitioner and teacher with over a decade of experience in sharing his knowledge and insights. We thank his wife, Kinjal Mutha, for helping with this article.

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Forty-nine-year-old Brian Blackburne of Houston suffered from chronic digestive problems for so long that antacid medicine became a staple of his diet.

Reset your Gut for Optimal Health January, 2024 Pritesh Ravindra Mutha

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