Message from the Publisher

August, 2023 by Dilip V. Shah
Jai Jinendra:

On the third anniversary of JAIN AVENUE magazine, I wish to thank the JAINA India Foundation (JIF) team headed by Dr. Bipin Doshi as the mentor, Dr. Sejal Shah as the editor, Dr. Arihant Jain as the Assistant editor, and Rajvi Shah as the office manager for shepherding the JAIN AVENUE magazine through its formative years and putting it on the progressive path.

From its inception, JAIN AVENUE has been designed as the “Voice of the Practitioners of Jain Dharma”. It is a non-sectarian monthly for the English-speaking generation. As a quick read, all issues are just 9 pages with a link to the full length of the articles, and its website hosts the current and all the past issues.

Going forward, I see the potential for our magazine to go global. The magazine is already distributed to 40,000 readers in the US and Canada and efforts are afoot to appoint regional editors in the US, UK, Africa, and Singapore to include the voice of the Jain Diaspora. You as a reader can help in our mission by introducing JAIN AVENUE to one or two friends of yours.

On a personal note, paying homage to my advanced age, I am saying farewell to the JIF team and to the readers of JAIN AVENUE. It was a privilege to be a part of something innovative for the Jain world, but the time has come to make room for someone younger and more energetic person. Since JIF is an entity of JAINA, I have requested Ms. Dhruti Ghiya Rathi, the assistant publisher and a JAINA director at large to be the publisher from August 15th, 2023. She is a keen student of Jain history – readers may have noticed some of her well researched articles in the magazine. I wish her well.


Dilip V. Shah
August 10th,2023

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