Love for Humanity- Essential Virtue for Organ Donation

January, 2021 by Atmarpit Devang

Organ Donation is an indispensable gesture towards mankind. All it costs - a little love towards humanity. Someone has beautifully said about organ donation that, “Don't think of organ donations as giving up a part of you to keep a total stranger alive.It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of him to keep a part of you alive.”

Live, Let Live and Continue to Live

January, 2021 by Bhavi Khetani, Sejal Zaveri

Recently there was an article about two and half year-old little angel, Jash Oza and his empathetic parents in TOI. After the doctors declared Jash brain dead, his parents set aside their sorrow and took a brave decision to donate his organs. The beautiful thought of keeping Jash alive

Anekāntavāda and Dialogic Identity Construction

January, 2021 by Melanie Barbato

While strong religious identity is often associated with violence, Jainism, one of the world’s oldest practiced religions, is often regarded as one of the most peaceful religions and has nevertheless persisted through history.

Let’s Understand Jain Terminology

January, 2021 by

Sam means right and avāy means knowledge, right knowledge Samavāya is the name of the group of five causes that are associated with every situation or event.

Karma Phala (Consequences of Actions)

December, 2020 by Subhash Chandra Jain

Most Indians, including Jains, have the misunderstanding that phalas (consequences) of karmas are governed by the karma doctrine.

Jiva – Atma

December, 2020 by Vidyadhar Danawade

Acharya Kunda –Kunda in his scripture “Samay sar “quotes Sudaparicidanubhuya savvassa vi kamabhogabandhakaha Eyattassuvalanbho navari na sulaho vihattassa. |4| Tam eyatta vihattam dayeham savihavena | Jadi dayejja pamanam cukkijja chalam na ghettavam |5|

Economics of Tirthankar Mahaveer

December, 2020 by Dr. Bipin Doshi

All the cultures, religions, scientific innovations or political governance have to focus on economic empowerment of the individual and nation. Our comfort and happiness mainly depend on money we have in our pocket. Money in our pocket is important but equally important is

Concept and State of Fear (bhaya) depicted in Āgama and its relevance in the Present Pandemic Scenario

December, 2020 by Ms. Varsha Shah

“F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise’. The word itself derives from the old English word ‘fear’, meaning “a sudden calamity or danger.” Fear is one of the most basic human

Significant Jaina Murals in the Eastern and Western Malwa Region

December, 2020 by Mr. Narmada Prasad Upadhyaya

Malwa (Malava) has a rich heritage of Indian painting, including Jaina subjects. The famous Bagh caves in Malwa were painted in the style of the Ajanta tradition in the 5th-6th centuries.

Lets-Understand Jain Terminology

December, 2020 by

Karma is the key to a Soul’s destiny and is based on the Natural Law of cause and effect. There are consequences for all our thoughts, words and actions. Our Kashāya – anger, ego, deceit and greed - bind karma to our soul. The famous saying, “everything that goes around comes around”, perfectly describes the Theory of karma.

Pursuit of Happiness

November, 2020 by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah

The purpose of life is to remain happy and peaceful and make others happy and peaceful. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.