
March, 2021 by Dr. Bipin Doshi

Sallekhanā is embracing death voluntarily when both householders and ascetics foresee that the end of life is very near either due to old age, incurable disease, severe famine, attack from enemy or wild animal, etc.

Sallekhanā – The Zenith of Human Life

March, 2021 by Vijay K. Jain

Âcârya Pujyapâda in Sarvârthasiddhi makes clear that sallekhanā is making the physical body and the internal passions emaciated by abandoning their sources gradually at the approach of death.

Santhara v/s Suicide

March, 2021 by Dr. Trapti Jain

The eternal truth about life and death is that one who is born also dies. There are many types of death, out of these Santhara is an old custom from Jain tradition. Santhara is not suicide. Santhara is voluntary embracing peaceful death whereas suicide is voluntary painful death under desperate circumstances.

Research on Santhara Amid Legal Disputation

March, 2021 by Mikaela Chase

Over the past decade, Jain studies in India and globally has taken an avid growing interest in the practice of sallekhana or santhara, also sometimes variously referred to as samadhimaran or panditmaran, the fast until death

Acceptance of Death with Understanding

March, 2021 by Dr. Abhay Doshi

Every Indian philosophy considers that the human body is ever-changing. But, when the time for this change comes at that point because of the long human associations and the infinite ‘I’ – ego and stubbornness, we do not like this

Compassion in Action – The making of an animal sanctuary in America

February, 2021 by Shaleen Shilpi Shah

In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self. ~ Lord Mahavira.

Compassion a Pathway to Peace – Ideas for a New and More Resilient Reality

February, 2021 by Hema Pokharna, PhD

The central theme of Jainism is non-violence (Ahimsa). Non-violence has two aspects: not to cause harm, injury, or violence and that of friendliness or amity (maîtri),

Relevance of Compassion of Jain Philosophy in Modern Corporate World

February, 2021 by Avisha Ashish Ladhani

The history of the last two or three centuries in particular, does represent an era in which commercial activity has exploded, while universal compassion seems to have reduced in favour of a ‘me first’ approach. Superficially, this might seem to indicate that the two go inevitably

Compassion – A Vaccine Against ‘Passions (Kashāy)’

February, 2021 by Vishal M Mehta

By the time this article is published, humanity will begin to witness mass inoculation against the deadliest pandemic of the century through roll out of Covid19 vaccine. This hurriedly developed vaccine is expected to protect our “body” from the deadly corona virus.

Compassion – First Step Towards Liberation

February, 2021 by Dr. Mona Badani

The oxford dictionary meaning of karuna (compassion) is “a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them”. The last clause takes this emotion a notch superior to sympathy in that not only t

Lets-Understand Jain Terminology

February, 2021 by

One day, during an assembly of demigods, Indra, the king of heavenly gods, praised the bravery and mercifulness of King Megharath on Earth. He mentioned that King Megharath would not hesitate to give up his own life to protect those who came to him for shelter. Two

Jaina Perceptive to Bio – Medical Ethical Issues with Special Reference to Organ Donation and Transplantation

January, 2021 by Parul Sanghavi

We live in the era of science and technology. The growth of scientific knowledge and technology has given new dimensions to our lives and influenced each of its areas. Science has rendered great services to humanity by providing pleasant life services and has saved the human race from many miseries and uncertainties of the primitive past.