Virchand Gandhi, a Gandhi before Gandhi

October, 2021 by Dr.Bipin Doshi, Pankaz Chandmal Hingarh, Preeti Shah

Virchand Raghavji Gandhi, a contemporary of Swami Vivekananda, too was a great exponent of Indian culture. Although a legend during his time, not many records are available on

Jain Manuscripts Painting

September, 2021 by John Guy

The growing prosperity of the Jain community in western India, engaged principally as merchants and bankers, allowed the commissioning of significant quantities of high-quality metal icons. As the custom of building large temple complexes became more widespread, so did the production of images and other objects associated with ritual and worship.

Jain Architecture

September, 2021 by Aastha Mehta

Jainism, one of the oldest religions to originate in India, has had a widespread influence in art, architecture, and sculpture through the subcontinent. Some of the popular temples and architecture can be seen in Western India – The Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves as well as the Dilwara temples.

Jainism & Environment

September, 2021 by Jaina Education Committee

One who neglects or disregards the existence of earth, air, fire, water and vegetation, disregards his own existence which is entwined with them


September, 2021 by Sejal Zaveri

Michchhāmi Dukkadam is another greeting which requests forgiveness usually spoken after performing the annual forgiveness and repentance day ritual known as Samvatsari Pratikraman.

Jain Philosophy and Life Management

September, 2021 by Dr. Hemali Sanghvi

We are living in the times where our life is getting dictated by the forces beyond our control. Management of life has been a challenge in the present times. Despite the limitations of the times during which various ancient civilizations developed and prospered, some of their systems of management did marvellously well, probably with less of frustrations, stress, chaos, and terror that the mankind faces today even after having all the benefits of science and technology as well as the modern management.

Behavioral, Spiritual and Scientific Correlates of Leshya

September, 2021 by Viney Jain

Leshya, a unique concept in Jain metaphysics denoting light or radiation, links the dynamics of the soul (consciousness) and the karmic body with the psycho-physical activities performed by the physical body, and is believed to be associated with every conscious-being, Jeeva (except Ayoga Kevali and Siddha Jeeva). Jeeva in their mundane existence as worldly living-beings, constitute impure states due to association of souls with matter, which profoundly influence their behavior and evolution.

Publisher Note

August, 2021 by Dilip V. Shah

On this occasion of the first anniversary of JAIN AVENUE magazine, I bring you greetings from JAINA. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the trustees of the JAINA India Foundation – Dr. Bipin Doshi, Amol Shah, and Dhimen Vora who have shepherded a nascent idea and made it a

Paryushan Mahaparva Festival of soul purification And Self Search

August, 2021 by

PARYUSHAN means: Festival of self-friendship and realisation of soul, festival of sacrifice, penance, and endurance. Festival of soul purification and self-search, time to keep aside the post, wealth and prestige and be with God.

Development of Jain Architecture from Caves to Temple Architecture in Maharashtra

August, 2021 by Pranoti Kiran Meghal

Abstract: Jainism, as an old religion in India, has contributed to the architecture of India. Jain Art and architecture developed during different periods are seen in various parts of the country, including Maharashtra.

The Mirror Of The Self: The Doctrine Of Leshya: A Historial Perspective

August, 2021 by Acharya Mahaprajnaji

The doctrine of leshya, first mooted in the world of philosophy, has today become a subject of scientific research. It may bear a different name, but the doctrine is the same.


August, 2021 by Mehool Sanghrajka

Formation of OneJAIN on 28th September 2014. This provides the Jain community with a single coherent voice in promoting the values and cause of Jainism.