Publisher’s Desk: Science of Leśyā

June, 2024 by Dilip V. Shah

The Western concept of matter originally applied to the four elements only -fire, earth, air, and water. The Jain concept of elements of the matter is unique in its originality, for it has given place to Indriyas (senses), karmic matter and Leśyā (condition of the soul). Each soul has smell, taste, and one of the six psychic colors called Leśyā. A human soul may take on one of six psychic colors.

Kashayas: Passions in Jainism

June, 2024 by Kishor B. Shah

Kashayas - Passions in Jainism are the main cause of Karma bondage. Passions distort the true nature of the soul. As long passions are present, the soul will remain in the endless cycle of birth and death.  The word Kashaya can be broken down into “Kash”, meaning worldly life and “aya” meaning gain. Therefore, Kashaya means to gain worldly life again and again.

Leśyā and Transmigration of Souls

June, 2024 by Dhruti Ghiya Rathi

In Jainism,  soul when transmigrating is accompanied by a Karman sharir, per some records Tejas sharir, and by the soul’s Leśyā. Leśyās are defined in three ways: Complexion of the souls, thought tints, mind activities There are six kinds of Leśyā’s defined in the Jain scriptures such as Bhagwati and Uttaradhyayan Sutras. These are further categorized into Asubh (inauspicious) and Shubh (Auspicious) Leśyās. Leśyā being a  form of pudgal or matter has a color, taste,  smell and touch. They are further divided into Dravya Leśyā and Bhâv Leśyās.  The image below shows the six colors that both Dravya and Bhâv Leśyās have.

The Concept of Leśyā in Jainism

June, 2024 by Shruti Malde

This article is an extract and adaptation of my dissertation for MA in the Study of Religions (Major in Jainism) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in September 2010. The dissertation titled 'The Concept of Leśyā in Jaina Literature' was awarded the Centre of Jain Studies (CoJS) Dissertation Prize in Jaina Studies, sponsored by the N.K. Sethia Foundation through the Institute of Jainology.

Overcoming Kashāyas: A Path to Inner Peace and Spiritual Growth

June, 2024 by Dr. Arihant Kumar Jain

Kashāyas, or passions, are powerful emotions that can hinder our spiritual progress and peace of mind. The word ‘Kashāyas‘ is very widely used in Jain philosophy and is related to the basic karma theory of Jain philosophy. In simple language, the word ‘Kashāyas‘ means the disorders or the toxic emotions arising in one’s mind which keep distorting the mind.

I did my Ayambil in Singapore

June, 2024 by Yifan Singharaja

On April 23rd, 2023, I successfully completed my second Ayambil Oli. Looking ahead, I am considering the possibility of undertaking a longer Ayambil Oli in Southeast Asia or another part of the world. Throughout the experience of participating in Ayambil Oli and upon its completion, I have been greeted with heartfelt blessings such as "Satama" and "Kubh Kubh Annumodana."

Wide Implications of the Jain Doctrine of Anekānta

May, 2024 by Samani Dr. Shashi Prajñā

It is this human mind, which is responsible for anekāntic thought. It is the power of the mind to think both creatively and destructively. John Milton rightly said, ‘It is man’s mind, which can make hell of heaven and heaven of hell.’ The U.N. Charter rightly commented that 'War is first of all fought in the minds of men before it is actually fought on the battlefield.”

An experiment with Anekāntavāda

May, 2024 by Prof. Anekant Kumar Jain

The 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, Bhagwan Mahavira was a divine personality who left a lasting impact in the form of his teachings for the spiritual advancement of the individual, protection and preservation of all forms of life, peaceful and secular social order. His teachings are as relevant and useful today as they were 2600 years ago. He put forward the doctrine of Anekāntavāda, where he always advised his disciples to discover the truth after taking into account all aspects and giving them due weight. This broadens one's outlook and trains the mind to accommodate the feelings and the way of life of other faiths and communities.

Factors Affecting the Application of Anekānta Principles in Business Practices in India

May, 2024 by Dr. Sanjay Sanghvi

In the last two decades, there has been an enormous churn brought about by faster economic growth, globalization, and technology. What are the parameters encouraging entrepreneurs to reflect on their business footprint, evaluating both successes and areas for improvement? How can business play a direct role in transforming Indian society, are Jain businesses socially responsible and accountable?

The Application of AnekĀntavĀda in Modern Thought

May, 2024 by Dr. Reshma Devendra

Introduction: A̅gamas are the source of all philosophical thought in Jainism. Incidentally, the term Aneka̅nta finds no mention in the A̅gamas. It was coined during the post-agamic literary development and “probably Siddhasena Divakar was the first to use it.”[1] The word aneka̅nta-va̅da is a compound word made up of three terms, anek, anta, and va̅da. Anek means many, anta means aspects or attributes and va̅da means doctrine. It is a doctrine of multiplicity and a philosophy of pluralism. Prof. S. N. Dasgupta calls it “relative Pluralism” against the absolutism of the Vedic tradition.

Solution of various problems through applications of Anekāntavāda

May, 2024 by Ms. Palak Lavish Kothari

"In the garden of thoughts, where perspectives bloom, 'Anekāntavāda' whispers, dispelling gloom. Truth's kaleidoscope, in colors arrayed. In diversity's embrace, wisdom is laid. In the tapestry of life, where stories intertwine, Anekāntavāda wisdom, Oh, so divine. Each thread is a truth, each hue a view, In unity and diversity, our souls renew. In the dance of dialogues, let's sway. 'Anekāntavāda’s ' melody, every day. For in the symphony of voices, we find, The harmony of truths, in every mind. So, let's embrace diversity, with open hearts, Anekantvad's essence, a work of art. For the acceptance of multiple views, Lies the key to understanding and breaking news."

Hard to Believe – Even After You Experience it!

May, 2024 by Dilip V. Shah ( Philadelphia )

On May 1st, 2024, a historic event unfolded in Mumbai at the NSCI stadium in the presence of 8,000 spectators, including 250 Sadhus and Sadhwis and tens of thousands more watching live worldwide on YouTube and other platforms. Pujya Ganivarya Dr. Ajitchandrasagaji Muniji performed Sahasravdhan (1000 Avdhans). This remarkable feat was attempted by Munishri in the presence of his Guru, Acharya Shri Pujya Nayachandrasagarji.  After what Acharya Shri Munisunderji (Author of ADHYATMA KALPADRUM and SANTIKARAM STOTRA) was able to demonstrate some 650 years ago.